舒磊教授团队针对混作农田场景提出的太阳能杀虫灯部署策略在物联网领域顶级期刊《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》发表

Recently updated on: 2023-06-14

近日,人工智能学院舒磊教授团队再次在物联网领域顶级期刊《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》(JCR Q1,5年IF=11.216)发表论文一篇,其题名为“Optimal Deployment of Solar Insecticidal Lamps over Constrained Locations in Mixed-Crop Farmlands”[1]。团队博士生杨帆为第一作者,舒磊教授为通信作者,南京农业大学为第一署名单位。

2020年,博士生杨帆首次在《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》上发表题为“A Partition-Based Node Deployment Strategy in Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things”[2]的文章,但该文章并未考虑太阳能杀虫灯节点倾向性的部署。为了解决该问题,博士生杨帆于2021年再次在《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》上发表题为“Improved Coverage and Connectivity via Weighted Node Deployment in Solar Insecticidal Lamp Internet of Things”[3]的文章,但该文章并未考虑不同虫害趋光性的差异性,即对于混作农田,需要部署一些异构的太阳能杀虫灯以保证杀虫效果。因此,在文献[1]中,我们提出了一种异构的太阳能杀虫灯节点部署策略,在保证区域全覆盖和网络全连通的约束下,能够使用最少的SIL节点实现网络重叠率的最大化。部署结果如图所示:



[1] Fan Yang, Lei Shu*, Yuli Yang, Guangjie Han, Simon Pearson, Kailiang Li, “Optimal Deployment of Solar Insecticidal Lamps over Constrained Locations in Mixed-Crop Farmlands,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3064043.

[2] Fan Yang, Lei Shu*, Kai Huang, Kailiang Li, Guangjie Han, Ye Liu, “A Partition-Based Node Deployment Strategy in Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 11223-11237, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2996514.

[3] Fan Yang, Lei Shu*, Yuli Yang, Ye Liu, Timothy Gordon, “Improved Coverage and Connectivity via Weighted Node Deployment in Solar Insecticidal Lamp Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3050473.