
Recently updated on: 2024-03-27

  • Korea is a very special country for me, I started my research career there, and was trained with the basic capability for doing research. Originally, I though I might stay in Korea for more than 10 years, but it was not like the plan. However, till now, I am still able to speak some Korean language. This makes me have more favorites with Korean in my personal daily life, e.g., watch Korean movies and eat Korean food. I appreciate a lot to Prof. Sungyoung Lee‘s guidance during my master course.
  • Ireland is another country which also gave me a lot. In Ireland, I obtained a lot of new skills for paper writing and doing research. My professor Manfred Hauswirth is a very nice supervisor, he not only cares about my research work, but also cares about my long term career development as well as personal life. He always tried his best to give me support and freedom for my research work with encouragement. I respect and like him very much.
  • I stayed in Osaka University, Japan for quite a while and followed Prof. Dr. Shojiro Nishio (Link: and Prof. Dr. Takahiro Hara (Link: Both of my supervisors are very nice persons and gave me a lot of freedom and support. I got most of my recent academic achievements during my stay in Osaka Uni. I sincerely respect and appreciate my two Japanese supervisors.
  • Since October, 2012, for family reason, I started to work in Maoming, Guangdong, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology with a free apartment from the university and annual salary equal to  USA average level for full professor.
  • Since October 2016, I started to have a joint honourable professor position in University of Lincoln, UK as “Lincoln Professor”. Thanks a lot for my collaborators in University of Lincoln, UK, Prof. Timothy Gordon and Dr. Yu Zhang.
  • Since October 2017, I started to work in Nanjing Agricultural University, China as a Distinguished Professor, and I am launching a new research center with University of Lincoln, UK in Nanjing Agricultural University, China towards Intelligent Engineering.