舒磊教授晋升为IEEE Access Senior Editor

Recently updated on: 2024-01-10

近日,舒磊教授晋升为 IEEE Access Senior Editor。

IEEE Access Senior Editor是 IEEE Fellows或经验丰富的 IEEE 高级会员,他们在各自的技术出版领域都取得了很高的成就。Senior Editor直接协助主编、执行主编和副主编做出决策,确保出版物保持最高质量。

以下是 IEEE Access Senior Editor的官方介绍:

IEEE Access Senior Editors are IEEE Fellows or experienced IEEE Senior Members who are highly accomplished in their respective fields in terms of technical publication. Senior Editors directly assist the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, and Associate Editors with making decisions that ensure the publication maintains the highest quality while adhering to the publication policies and procedures of IEEE.

from https://ieeeaccess.ieee.org/editorial-leadership/senior-editors/