Lecture – Prof. Geyong Min, University of Exeter

Recently updated on: 2020-04-21

Data-Driven Knowledge Discovery for Intelligent Cloud and Network Management

No. A504, Yuxian Building, College of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University
Contents of the Lecture:

Aiming at achieving high performance and availability of Cloud computing and networking systems, our vision is to conduct efficient data analysis in order to dig valuable knowledge and actionable insights hidden in network big data for improving the design, operation, and management of Cloud and networks. This talk will present the innovative big data modelling and processing technologies, real-time incremental data analysis tools, and a cost-effective distributed platform we have recently developed to support better decision-making for system design, anomaly detection, resource management and optimization. This talk offers the theoretical underpinning for efficient processing of big data, and also opens up a new horizon of research and development by exploiting the key intelligence and insights hidden in content-rich big data for the design and improvement of Cloud computing and networking systems.

About the Reporter:

Professor Geyong Min is a Chair in High Performance Computing and Networking and the Academic Lead of Computer Science in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the University of Exeter, UK. His recent research has been supported by European Horizon-2020, FP6/FP7, UK EPSRC, Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, and industrial partners including British Telecom, Huawei Technologies, IBM, INMARSAT, Motorola, and InforSense Ltd. He has published more than 200 research papers in leading international journals including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and at reputable international conferences, such as SIGCOMM-IMC, INFOCOM, and ICDCS. He is an Associated Editor of several international journals, e.g., IEEE Transactions on Computers, and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. He served as the General Chair/Program Chair of a number of international conferences in the area of Information and Communications Technologies.