
Recently updated on: 2023-06-14






Solar insecticidal lamps have been widely used in the field of agricultural pest control and green control. At present, the solar insecticidal lamps do not have the function of synergistic cooperation between multiple nodes through wireless communication or the realization of the location of the pest dense area, and they cannot adaptively adjust the working time period according to the pest degree, and the insecticidal effect is not significant. This project aims to combine solar insecticidal lamps with wireless sensor networks, and it proposes the concept of “Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things” to reduce deployment costs, optimize insecticidal effect, quickly locate pest dense area, and perform anti-interference transmission of pest data. By using the tools of mathematical statistics, probability methods, graph theory, and optimization techniques, the following five aspects are studied: 1) node-optimized deployment for complex terrain and heterogeneous crop insecticidal requirements; 2) guarantee for basic working time of the nodes based on weather forecast time-adaptive energy reserve; 3) adaptive adjustment of node working time period for optimizing insecticidal effect; 4) fast determination of pest dense area under asymmetric link in case of sudden unexpected pests; 5) avoiding high-voltage discharge of solar insecticidal lamps by adaptively adjusting the node communication period. The research results exhibit important theoretical and practical significance, and will provide important theoretical basis and related core algorithms for the applications of Solar Insecticidal Lamps Internet of Things in agricultural production.